Liberty Square

Savannah Squares > Liberty Square

About This Square

Liberty Square was created in 1799 on Montgomery Street between State and York Streets.  It was in the same “row” as Telfair Square and the same “column” as Franklin Square, which had been created about a decade earlier.

It was named for the Sons of Liberty, a Revolutionary War group, and survived for about 145 years before it was torn out around 1935 to make way for the Montgomery Street straightening project that also destroyed Elbert and Franklin Squares.

Franklin Square was rebuilt in 1983 and Elbert Square may come back after they tear down the Civic Center in 2023, but there are no current plans to bring back Liberty Square.

A parking garage stands on the east side of Montgomery where the eastern side of the square would have been (and is where you’ll find the Liberty Square sign) and the Chatham County Courthouse stands on the west side.

The Flame of Freedom eternal flame monument is in front of the courthouse honoring war veterans.  It was installed in 1969 and has burned continuously ever since except for a brief time in 2005.